Presents and time wastin
Been awhile. Moved, new job, blah, blah, blah.
This summer was good though. My BFF Sue came down to visit. Too short though. We need to live closer. But we would never get anything done. LOL!
Glad Christmas is over. Here's what I made.
Grandma trees, hearts, twinkles and all rounds.

I also made Christmas light bulb ornaments.

And now that the deadlines are done, I started something new.

It's the Lotus Flower Bed Spread from the Big Book of Favorite Crochet Patterns. One square down, only 129 to go.
2 Your Thoughts:
Join them as you go.. it is easier that way and not such a big task once you are done.. 130 squares?? wow.. can you count that high??? LOL.. just kidding..
Yes, what a wonderful visit we had... Shopping for yarn and books.. Eating at Sonic and bugging the kids... Watching a Sponge Bob marathon... We even got to go see the movie, The half blood Prince! We did everything but crochet together! LOL... I love the Christmas ornaments.. would like to make some next year..
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