A mystery dishcloth
The mid-month KAL started yesterday. I ran out to get the cotton I needed and got some clover bamboo needles to use. The cotton was on sale and I used the 40% off coupon on the needles. It was a good shopping trip.
The reason I wanted to try the bamboo is that I was knitting these dishcloths on metal dpns. And after a few minutes, the cotton would start sticking to the needles and wouldn't slide easily. I do have one other set of bamboo needles. They are a size 1 dpns. I started a pair of socks on them a few months back. I liked the feel, but was always afraid I would snap them in two. So I never really got to enjoy the feel of them.
But I knitted the day 1 rows last night, and it was so nice. And I just finished up today's rows. Now I can't wait to get tomorrows so I can knit with them some more.
Here's the first two days worth of "clues".

And here is the flip side of that Alien cloth. I didn't really know which should be the right side. They are both cute.

I think I am back in the swing of this knitting thing. It's great!
4 Your Thoughts:
Hi, I have lurked on your blog for awhile and wanted to offer my thoughts on bamboo needles. If you like bamboo, let me suggest Crystal Palace bamboo needles. They are nicely polished, and the yarn slides really nice. Also, they are very stong! I broke a Brittany dpn on first use, but an still going strong with my Crystal Palace dpn's.
yeah back to knitting!!!!!!!
loving those dishcloths!!!
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I love that alien dishcloth and may have to make him next. I'm also working on the mid-month dishtowel KAL and am finding it a lot of fun even though I know what the final pattern looks like.
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