Saturday, September 02, 2006


It's that time again. I have been wetting my whistle with some NFL pre-season games. And now it's NCAA time in Tennessee! Boy and what a start. VOLS win it 35 - 18 against Cal. Nothing like an exciting game to get your blood pumpin.

Also there's the long weekend for Labor Day. So no school Monday. Hubby's work is holding a big tire sale and he made the sign for it. It is even in the right colors for the day.

He's multi-talented. And he is also very sweet. He got me to bring the kids over to see the huge Michelin Man they have up. You can see a bit of him in the sign picture. And then he sent us out for a late breakfast. We went to the Cracker Barrel. So while he toiled away, we were out enjoying the food.

It was a real treat cause we aren't spending anything extra since we are moving. In just a few more days we will be moving in. We all can't wait. There will be pictures soon.

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