Peace and Halloween
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Here's the kiddies.
We have a Care Bear.

And you can't forget the little heart.

Then there's a Midnight Witch.

We have a Phantom.

And of course, Darth Vader.

Here's the whole lot.

They had a good time and got loads of candy. Can you say sugar high? Try that times four. Fun fun!
I also finished another dishcloth. It's kinda tie-dye style.

The Nov KAL started today. Yeah! So I'll be posting another one soon.
Edit: I got the peace pattern on Rainy Kimbrough's site.
4 Your Thoughts:
The cloth looks great. Wonderful costumes. :) The kids look like they were enjoying themselves. :)
Halloween was more fun when my kids were younger. Great dishcloths.
BTW, I'm back up yet again.
my mom wouldn't let me go out for Halloween :-( said I'm too old
oh well, I stayed in, ate the candy I was supposed to be handing out and knit so it was ok!
nice dishcloth!
I love your peace sign cloth!!! Where did you get the pattern?
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