Just call me butta...
Cause I'm on a roll.
This is a butterfly cloth. I sat down to start it and remembered a movie was coming on I wanted to watch. The Butterfly Effect. Spooky huh?

This one goes to a girl that works with my hubby. She saw his Alien one and really liked it. All the others I am making are going to hubby himself. He saw the first one I made, and snatched it from me. Then he told me how he loved the ones he remembered having at his Mammaw's. So it makes him happy, and I get to knit bunches.
What could be better?
6 Your Thoughts:
if only my husband were happy with knitted dishcloths.. instead he goes for things like the fair isle "we call them pirates" hat.
I love it!! I'm not doing the mid-Oct dishcloth KAL because I don't have all the colours I need and can't get to the LYS. Pity, because I know what the finished cloth is and I'd like to make it. I'll make it eventually. :)
These dishcloths are so cool! Nice work!
thank you
it looks like you've been quite busy yourself!
I want to do that dishcloth KAL - i barely have enough time for homework though :-D
I know - i do wanna :-D
I haven't got much homework this weekend so maybe Ill be able to catch up, I could always be totally cool and try and do some knitting on the bus to and from school, although Im not sure if they would be counted as 'potential weapons'
all of your wash cloths are very cute. i really like the designs
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