This was a pretty good day. Me and hubby played quite a few games of pool (internet), and then started with the chess. He's very good at chess. But I did manage to beat him once. But he was coaching me a little. He's the one that taught me to play. But I am definitely looking forward to a rematch.
And then I decided that since there are four children and only one book, that I'd read aloud from Harry Potter 7 to them. They were really excited about the idea. They all gathered around in the living room and I started reading.
I had only thought of reading one chapter at a time, but when I finished the first, they asked me to keep going. I ended up reading six chapters. Man my mouth was tired. But they enjoyed it alot.
One of them asked me, "Since you read six tonight, does that mean you will read to chapter 12 tomorrow?" I said I didn't know, I'll see. It was fun getting into the story again. We should finish in no time if they keep not letting me stop reading. Not that I mind of course.
We went Tuesday to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was a great one. It's always nice to see what you've read in action.
And now, even though it's a little sad that the last book is finally done, at least we can still look forward to two more movies!

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