Yes, it has finally creeped up on me. I have known for months what I was to do for presents. But since the first one I did went so quickly, I figured it would take me no time. So what did I do? I just goofed off, started millions of new projects and put it off. Well, after I knit that last hat, I told myself no more knitting on anything until all the presents are done. I have kept to that. But that doesn't mean I have knit everyday. The have to knits are always the hardest to get done. With I don't even want to think of how many days to go, I have done 6 out of the 33 I need done. Words of encouragement would be helpful. Lie if you have to.
Here they are all layed out waiting to see what's next for them. Playing Scrabble it looks like.

And here they are about to march off to who knows where. They must be bored waiting for all their friends to appear.

2 Your Thoughts:
Oh the sweaters are too fun! I am a complete HP freak, going off to see GoF this weekend in the IMAX theater *grin*
OMG, I am totally with you girlfriend. I have all of my knitting and crocheting WIP pressies calling to me to finish them! And yes, what's up with not wanting to complete these? I know I will feel better when I finished these projects, but uuugggghhhh. You know what I mean.
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