That's what I think of when I look at this.

It is an owl pocket necklace. I made it for my mother-in-law for her Ipod Nano. It is filet crochet. And I thought it was more original than a regular Ipod necklace. It fits really well too.

I also tried the no-sew method of miters that Kay of Mason-Dixon suggested.

I think I may have found what I want to make everyone for Christmas this year. I will only put this link in for you to go look at later. I never said it was a sane idea. I know it's still June, but I make for over 30 people. You think I can do it?
6 Your Thoughts:
I think if you do it you better line them because that is a whole hell of a lot of ends to sew in! Go for it! You can do it! :)
i absolutely love the owl ipod necklace! it is so original, i have never seen anybody with one of those
and those christmas stockings are very cute too
hope your having a great weekend
Happy Knitting!
How cute is that owl? I love the miter-corner blanket. No sewing is my idea of a good thing. Thanks for the link to the Christmas stockings - they are quite enticing.
thank you.... knitting goodies would be excellent... everybody keeps asking me what i want, but i never know what to tell them, ill have to make a wish list of knitting stuff lol, or just ramble off stores
im hoping i get it done soon too... im working on the sleeve right now, i havent had much time because my friend slept over last nigiht, but im going to work on it today when she leaves
im very excited about the lace!
Happy Knitting! :-]
i also made a few mitered squares. aren't they fun.
i'm liking the no-sew thing, that might make is possible for me to make a blankey instead of mitered sqare potholders.
your ipod necklace is really nice and original.
I'd love to post your owl ipod nano case in The Leaky Cauldron's Harry Potter Crafts section (You may hav to wait a bit for the page to load). Please e-mail me at harrypottercrafts@gmail.com if you're interested.
This is so original and cute, I can't believe it!!
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