Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
Yeah well what else can you say after finishing a cloth like this?

I didn't know either. But it fit.
I also started a little something to do in between cloths. Just something to play with. It's the Besotted scarf from Hello Yarn.

It scanned really well. I'll have to remember that.
And here is a little something I will eventually start. Among the millions of other things I will make...eventually.

6 Your Thoughts:
Cool dishcloth, Very nice scarf and very cool patterns!!!!! Glad to see you post!
I love the scarf - and yours looks better than the one from the pattern site! I'm also digging all the dishcloths - that turkey is great!
wow, your besotted looks great!!! I can't wait to start mine in a solid color yarn. I've got one in a variegated but the x's and o's don't pop as well as it does in a solid!
The dishcloth looks great!!
You are doing a great job on the scarf.
I love the grey, it looks very nice.
I hope you don't mind, I copied your idea and scanned in my besotted scarf as well! Take a look.
Happy Knitting!
heh thanks
hopefully my mom is going to install the camera tonight, so maybe ill be able to get some more pictures up when i get my math hw done
i like the colors a lot, the texture is a little funky, its not soft, but not rough either.. its kind of like ribbon - its different though and i like it!
hope you have a good week if i dont talk to you soon!
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