15th Anniversary
Where does the time go? Me and hubby were married 15 years ago today. Doesn't seem like that it's been that long. Guess that's a good thing.
And he's still a sweetie. He made possible the last piece of my car puzzle.
And there has been lots of knitting. I have 174 rows on my Peacock Feathers now. I will take another pic once the new patterning shows better.
And after seeing The Yarn Harlot on Knitty Gritty, knitting away on her own sock recipe, I just had to make some. Here is my version, more of a sport length.

These are made with All Things Heather hand dyed superwash merino, sock weight in Meadow. Yummy, yummy yarn. The first one worked up really quick, so I should have a pair very soon.
And then I have been thumbing through these and decided on which one to try.

This is the Plaid Lattice from A Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G. Walker. But I am sure all knitters know these by now. I used Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Wisteria.

Very pretty color and yummy texture. I wanted to play with this yarn because of a project I will be starting soon. No hints yet. I have to have something else to blog about you know.
3 Your Thoughts:
Happy Anniversary!
congrats! cant waite to see what knitting you have got to show us!
thats lovely! Congrats
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