Slowly, but surely
I have gotten a little progress done on my Forest Path Stole. I finished the third tier and have started the fourth.

I did a few rounds on my Civil War Shawl too, but no pic cause it still looks basically the same.
And I did try another crochet steek on my Kauni practice piece.
I cut it and it frayed a bit. Maybe it's just that the yarn is slick. But I think I have decided to just find someone with a sewing machine and do it that way. I don't want to make that beautiful sweater and have it just fall apart.
3 Your Thoughts:
Oooh pretty Forest Path - it is hard to knit or just fiddly with the entrelac.
I think you are very sensible to seek a sewing machine for the Kauni - it sticks together pretty well by itself but the sewing machine reinforcement is nice and flat whereas your crochet is definitely 3-D. Top tip though - sew the steeks before you join the shoulders!!
The Forest Path is so pretty.
woohoo! A FPS in a self-striping laceweight! I have been considering such a project ever since I bought some self-striping laceweight. But I was afraid to try. (Plus there is insane cabling going on at my house--I can't have another complicated project.)
What's the yarn? I scanned back on your entries but didn't see the name of the yarn.
I will be watching your progress eagerly.
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