Knitting ADD
I seem to always have tons of stuff going at once. Most of these things are just laying around on the needles until I remember them and pick them up again. This isn't the case at the moment. I am currently working on 3 separate projects. At the same time. That's a new one for me.
Here is an example. There are other yarns there too. And catalogs, knitting magazines. Also my newest dishcloth KAL yarn and pattern, waiting patiently.

And this is my new knitting spot. Very good light in the day, although most of my knitting time comes later at night.

My three projects are as follows.
1. The besotted scarf. It has come pretty far. It's all the yummy cables that keep me going with it. Otherwise, it's a scarf and I don't usually finish really long ones.

2. The Solace stole. It's lace knitting in worsted weight yarn. So you get the lacy, but not the falling off with stitches so much. I am using Wool-Ease in Rose Heather. This one is a KAL. Which you all know, I just can't keep away from.
This is the first end. You work this end, then put it on waste yarn and start the other.

This is the second end with a start of the middle section.

3. Penrose. One of those mathematical designs from Assign Designs. Very lovely. It's all squares and parallelograms. This is just the first section. I'll show a updated pic when this section is done.

This is what it looks like finished. Depending on how you choose your colors, there are endless outcomes.

Ok that's about it for now. Back to my multi-tasking.
5 Your Thoughts:
Wow - you are busy! But I can't wait to see the finished products. Happy Thanksgiving!
Awesome! I love your solace...both the lace and the color. Also, I have never heard of Assign Design or penrose...what is it? Is it an afgan when done? Where did you get the pattern? It is fascinating how the pieces move!
Wonderful stuff you're working on! I love that you showed your knitting spot. I need to do that...
Micky - HNY (Happy New Year). I hope all is well. I just wanted to say that I love the besotted scarf. Do you remember where the pattern is from? I know I have the original SOMEWHERE - but can't find it. I have someone who would be the perfect recipient for this scarf.
Can't wait to see the Solace finished. Can you give me the URL for the KAL?
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