That's my favorite new word. For you Stephen King fans out there, you'll know what it means.
I had to turn the verification for my comments on. I got a really big spammer. So sorry for the extra little bit to leave a comment.
Here's a little proof that I too knit in public.

It's the cast on for the Solace stole. I was doing this waiting on my kids to get out of school. I am farther along than this, and will have pics up soon. It's another KAL by the way. I know, I know. I'll have the info on it then too.
And this is the sight when we pulled into the school parking lot this morning. Sorry it's a little blurry, it was raining at the time.

For those of you who don't know, it is the Flav-O-Rich cow. Very surprising to see the huge beast just standing there staring out at you. It's very realistically made. Down to every detail. Udder and all. Got milk?
3 Your Thoughts:
it's been raining here for about 3 days straight .. well on and off, but for three days.
i can't wait to see pictures of how your coming alnog on the stole, the color looks really pretty
have a good day!
i LOVE that cow. I don't know what it's for, what it does if anything at all. but I love it. cows rule. (we have happy ones in california, apparently they make cheese.)
I LOVE the word SOWISA. In the middle of Lisey's story right now. :)
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