Another Weasley & a surprise
I made another mini-Weasley and this time, I made a little hanger for it. Just twisted up a pipe cleaner. It looks cute I think.

My Weasleys love to pose.

The Yarn Harlot has a surprise for us. You can call 1 - 877 - SOS - KNIT (it is toll free in Canada and in the US). She thinks she is a dork. She soooo is not. If you need a laugh or words of encouragement, call it. I did and I feel better about myself already! Thank you Stephanie!
2 Your Thoughts:
Girl they look sooo cute!!! I have yet to get that book... I have to do that soon...The latest HP.. Can you believe I might be one of the few people that have not gotten it yet.. lol
Girl you need to add that Blingo thing to your site.. you could be winning!!!!
I really love these little sweaters Micky. They're awesome!
Nice touch on the hangers...
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