Happy Birthday Timothy and Logan!
Today is my boys' birthday. They are 10 years old. Man, it doesn't seem that long ago. They are my first born and twins.
This is Timothy, the first one born.

This is Logan. Born 32 minutes later.

They wanted to go eat breakfast this morning at the Cracker Barrell. They had a great time. We will have their party tomorrow.
Here's my little football fan, cause she didn't want to be left out.

And here is my oldest girl, just so they are all here.

And in knitting news, I started something else. Of course, why wouldn't I? I still have a few empty needles. I am making it out of the purple yarn that I helped Heather de-stash. I am not saying what it is yet, cause I want to keep you guessing.

3 Your Thoughts:
you have empty needles. wow, it's been so long, i don't know what it feels like. i have cast-on envy.
Yikes, with terminal startitis I have enough started as it is.
Would hate to think if I had a project on ALL my needles. I have a TON. Darn, I hope you didn't just give me a subconscious suggestion. *s*
Happy Birthday boys!!!!!
Yeah empty needles.. what are those... lol I keep having to buy more when I want to start another project!!! lol
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