It's just a formality
Well that's the name of the scarf I just made. The pattern is by Vickie Howell. Fun to work on, fast going. Until I ran out of the yarn I was using before the last increase row. So I had to dig into my stash to see if I had anything similar. I ended up using Peaches n Cream and a differnt size needle. I was so disgusted, I didn't want to have to find more of the yarn, I just wanted to finish it.
Here it is on the model.
And a closer view. I really like how sproingy it turned out.

I will probably have a few smaller projects going for awhile. So I can rest up to work on Morrigan.
4 Your Thoughts:
Simply adorable.
That is cute! Your model is too!
Your model is stunning! And the scarf looks pretty good too. ^_^
Very cute!
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