Sunday, April 25, 2010

Obsession 4

Finally another update. Probably not much of one, but a little is better than none.

We had to suddenly move. Not our idea at all and totally unexpected. But when you come home and find a Notice to Vacate stuck to your door, there is something going on there. Just something about the owners not getting a final inspection after renovations or something. But we had to get out. Like the day before. So the next day we got all the stuff out of the house, and into storage. And now I'm back at my mom's. Oh well. There are worse things. But anyway. That's just a big old excuse for not having many more squares done for Babette.

This obsession doesn't feel like such a bad thing now. A girl's gotta do something to keep sane.

2 Your Thoughts:

At 9:51 PM, Blogger claudia said...

They can just do that to you? Here, you have to give a 30 day notice or longer depending on the people who are getting evicted. Hell, it took me 60 days to get my lazy good for not much daughter moved out! A judge told me I couldn't just throw her out because she irritated me. (so not the story at all) Anyway, bummer you had to move so suddenly...I couldn't do that very well.
Nice looking squares though. Stay sane! Hang in there!

At 11:50 PM, Blogger Mouse said...

Been there.. done that!! I'm sorry that happened.. any chance of getting back in?


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