LOST and some Fun
For any LOST fans out there, I found something fun. Someone has created a countdown clock like the one on the show. It counts down and even starts beeping just like it does on the show. It gives you a little window bar that you click on to pop-up the cursor so you can enter the code. Then it re-sets itself. I haven't let it get to zero yet, but I will eventually. You don't have to let it run all the time, but you could if you wanted to see how it's really like down in the hatch. Have fun.
I also have some new Dr. Who links in my sidebar. Under "Places I visit".
And here is something I saw on Lorette's and Mouse's blogs. Plus a couple extra.

2 Your Thoughts:
A lost clock, that's all I need is another damn thing beeping at me! LOL :)
hmm sounds good... now i just need to convince my mom to let my order it!
Happy Knitting
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