Friday, July 22, 2005

Good deal

I had to go out today so I thought I'd stop in at the goodwill store. You know, just to see what they had. Well I found a bag with some circular needles in it. It didn't have a price on it though, and I thought that meant it would be a fairly high amount. As thrift store prices go. I got to the check-out and the woman said it was 48 cents. Of course that was 52 cents with tax. I get it home and open it and have 5 sets of circulars. Sure all but one are plastic, but hey, it gives me more circulars.

All different sizes and lengths. So now I have some to use for some other things I am going to be knitting. Cause the other two good pair are in the middle of things. Those being the Ribbed Corset and the Mystery Stole. I have done a little more on the corset. I had to figure out some stitches first. But I asked the group how to do it and got my answers. From the lady herself.

Not only do I feel good after getting all those needles for practically nothing, I also got something else the other day, just for me. I don't usually (except for yarn), but it just said "Buy me".

Isn't it cute? A little bracelet just for me. I don't usually act all girly and go for stuff like this, but I thought I would for once.

2 Your Thoughts:

At 1:51 AM, Blogger ginskia said...

Hi There,

I saw your comment on "Doodle Blog" and thought I would also come here and say hello. I have similar interests that you do. I posted a scarf on my blog that I knitted for hubby.

I see you are also a Harry Potte fan. I didn't read her last three books, is it safe for me to read your post below on the Harry Potter book?

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Melissa G. said...

You go girl, what great finds! :)


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