Good hair day
So for all you smarty pants who guessed right, I have a finish for you. The Hallowig, modeled by the munchkin.

The side view.

And the back.

I did try it on and it does fit and lays in all the right places. It is so funny cause even though it is yarn, it looks so much like hair. Down to the part right down the middle on top. So, I have a FO. Yeah!
8 Your Thoughts:
Very cute dear.. lol I wasnt even gonna try and guess!
Hows the scarf coming!?!? I hope to get some knitting time very soon....
Very cute! It does lay and look quite like hair.
*giggles* that Hallowig never ceases to crack me up when I see it.. one of these days I've got to knit one for myself. Good job!
Too cute!
That is SOOOO cute!! GOod Job!
That is just TOO cute! :)
Happy Hallowig!
I love this when I saw it on Knitty. I am so happy you had a chance to make it. I need to make one too...added to my list.
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