Did you have a nice holiday?
Today is the kid's last day off. They have been out of school since Thursday. So back to the same old routine tomorrow. But they don't have much more time to go before summer vacation. I am looking forward to it. No going back and forth to school every day. Just taking it slow and easy and only going somewhere if we want to. And I told them I would teach them to knit during their vacation. They have needles and they picked out their yarn. If they like it as much as me, that will keep them busy all summer.
We went down to my sis-in-laws house yesterday. They have more yard room for hunting eggs. We all had a good time. The kids stayed outside most of the time. While the adults got the food ready and were having samples. You know we all had to make sure it was good, right? It was all delicious and we all got too full.
I took pictures of the kids, but as usual my crappy camera only gave me fuzzy out of focus pics. But I did take two with my phone. So I just might be taking more with it from now on.

Hope everyone had a fun time.
And in other news, my hubby likes the Mermaid jacket and says he'll get me the kit for our Anniversary. Isn't he sweet?
4 Your Thoughts:
What a great blog you have! I had to come over and check it out after you said such kind things to me! And of course now I'm going to link to you - hope you don't mind!
hi, doing fine, thanks for checking in. just been kinda busy with my thesis. (yuck)
ah yes, the good old days of easter egg hunting. My friend and I wanted to go shopping on Sunday, totally forgot about Easter. All the stores closed. But luckilly old navy is run by heretics. They were open.
glad you had a nice Easter
whats been going on on the knitting front? when are you starting that mermaid?!?! im excited to see pictures, its very pretty
mickey, what beautifu children you have. how much fun i imgain you all had, i miss those days for sure. kids are just not interested in doing the little things anymore. now its go go go, always gone and rarely home to see their dad and me. lol huggggs and thanks for all your kind words on my blog
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