Hitting a Rolling Stone in the road
Yeah, not really. Just a bump. I was merrily going along working on my Celtic, when I saw this.

Just for reference, this is what it should look like.

So, knowing that it would drive me nuts to leave it that way, I had to do this.

Scary looking isn't it? Well I fixed it and it now looks better.

I finished up the upper front and picked up and finished the neckband.

Then I joined the upper front and upper back. Included the stitches for the underarm and did a few rows in the round.

Pretty cool progress, huh? It's getting there. I may finish this sweater yet.
Oh and as far as the Rolling Stone reference. Look what I found.

Sorry about the grainy look. It is bright red so my camera didn't want to show it. This book goes for $40.00. I found it for $3.94. Cool huh? And on the actual cover, it has the logo embossed into it.

It has loads of cool pictures. I am sure it will be an interesting read.
5 Your Thoughts:
wow that sweater is looking amazing... i would have totally freaked out if i had to undo that on something of mine
im going to be posting some pictures of the sweater im working on later today... would you be willing to tell you what you think?
Happy Knitting!
oh no problem at all... i love looking at other peoples' knitting
the pictures of my sweater are up, sorry about the delay, i couldnt put it down long enough to snag a picture until i realized that it is almost 11!
I think if I had hit a "rolling stone" like that, I would have chucked it on the shelf and worried about it in a few years. Brava to you for being brave and fixing it. I'm in awe.
thanks, its my first sweater so im trying to move a bit slower and watch what i do to make sure i dont mess up, i love the way its coming out
yeah i only had 2 of my teeth out, there is a third one but the doctor said that it is up in my brain so they cant take it out... nice huh? lol
and i agree it is the perfect excuse to just sit around and knit all day!
ohmigod! you are my knitting hero!!!
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