YouTube is crack!
Yes, it is. It has sucked me in. Some of you may know how it is. Those of you who don't, compare it to reading your knitting blogs. You read one post and find a link. You follow the link, and find another. And another, and another. You get the point.
Well YouTube is like that. You watch a video, and they either mention something or give you a link. So you go and end up sitting there for hours just clicking links. And of course watching other videos.
They give shoutouts to other vloggers, and so you go check them out. I have subscribed to a few new ones that way lately. And had mini-marathons watching some of them. I didn't watch t.v. for a week because I was online watching the vids. And that's not the worst. I even watch t.v. show episodes on there.
It's crack I tell ya. Watchers beware. lol But is any of that knowledge going to keep me from doing it, of course not.
Let's see, what have I been doing since my last post? Besides the vid watching. I didn't get to go to Bonnaroo. Man I really wish I could have gone. But I did get to watch the live webcast of it. It totally rocked! It was awesome.
I have been knitting a little. I made a tawashi scrubber.

I read the Yarn Harlot's newest book. And started a little experimental project. And started the two socks at a time thing. But I definitely need longer needles before I keep going. Mine are too short to work with. (it's all in one pic, I was being lazy)

I also started reading Stephen King's "Duma Key". Awesome so far. But I wouldn't expect any less.
And tonight my neighbor showed me how she made her afghan. It's really cool looking and at first glance I thought it was knit. Nope. She crocheted it. But the fabric looks knitted. It got me curious, so she showed me how she did it.
Here's the front. Looks totally like the knit stitch.

And here's the back. Looks like purl.

Ok that's it for now. Hmm, I wonder if I have any subscription updates?