Saturday, August 30, 2008
Few and far between is better than none, right?
Yes I am still alive and kicking. Although at the moment it is slow going. I am still trying to get over being sick, almost but not quite.
The kids are in school. All of them. And that keeps me busy cause there are three different pick-up times. So I'm out in traffic a bit longer than I have been in previous years. And it wears me out, which is probably why I got sick so fast and hard.
I have been crafting though. All crochet as of late. I don't know, just soothing right now I suppose. So here's a few pics.
I made two doilys. This one for my bff cause I wanted to cheer her up. It's the Victorian Rose Doily.

And this one I made for my aunt who came to visit. It's the Hearts Afire Doily.

I have started a filet afghan for another friend. Who just in case she sneaks over here again, I won't mention by name. That would spoil the surprise right? It's the Dragonfly Afghan.
I made a magic potholder. Saw the tutorial vid on YouTube and thought it looked interesting. Fast and easy too.
And then I started a hexagon granny square afghan. I am using sock yarn. Just cause I like the colors. So it's not quite as big as it could be if I'd used worsted, but I like how it looks anyways.
And I also started a hexaflexagon cushion. I have all the individual pieces made and started putting them together but then I got sick. So the pics are just of the pieces.
On top of everything, I start work tomorrow. It's only part time for now, but could I get any busier? See you next time.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The powers that be SUCK!
In their infinite wisdom, the powers that be made a decision.
That the new Harry Potter movie shall not be shown until July 09.
They think it's a great idea. Well I'm here to tell them:
"That's what you get for doing your own damn thinking."
You can hear fans all over the world yelling out in frustration.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ahh, how sweet
Look what I got in an e-mail today.

Wasn't that sweet of her? How does she find the time? hehe
Yes, I know it's automated from Bloomsbury. But it was still cute.
**smudged out my name, cause I don't go by my given name, and didn't want to leave it that way, just so you know, it wasn't just sent to M hahaha**