I finally went picture crazy. Well I have a good excuse. We got our keys today. I took the kids for their first look. We are all excited about it. Not so much about moving all the stuff, but just that it's ours.
Here's the view of the living room. It is to the left as you walk in. We had already taken the tour and the kids copped a squat in front of the automatic baby sitter.

This is the dining room, which is to the right as you walk in the front door.

This is the little wall between the hallway and the kitchen. On it is my perpetual calendar. This used to be my in-laws'. The kids (my hubby, his sisters and me) would always gather together and jokingly tell mom and daddy what we wanted them to leave us. I always said what I wanted was the calendar. So one year for my birthday they gave it to me. It's the best present they ever gave me. Other than my hubby of course.

This is the little welcome gift the manager left us. It's a soap dispenser, dish washing liquid, pot holders and a kitchen towel. The card says "Welcome Home. We are happy to have you here." Isn't that sweet?

This is the left side of the kitchen. Complete with stove and refrigerator.

This is the right side, with a dishwasher and disposal. Plenty of cabinet space too.

This is the hall closet. Yeah I know, but I have never had so much closet space.

And what's a hall closet without the hall to put it in? It's directly across from the front door. So you can see straight through to the master bedroom.

This is a little of the kids bathroom.

This is the closet in their bathroom.

This is the boys closet and their room.

This is the girls closet and room.

This is the washer and dryer closet.

This is the master bath.

This is the master bedroom.

This is the master closet. From right, to middle, to the left.

It's huge and I already have half of it planned for my yarn storage. Heehee!
This is the view from the front door.

This is the view from the living room window. I will always know where my car is. I could have had a better picture, but I was peeping through the blinds.

This is what the master bath looks like after I put in some trimmings. A woman my mom works with gave all these goodies to me. She recently re-did her bathroom, and had everything all neatly kept. The kids bath has some of this decor too, but just not as much.

After taking all of these pictures, where were the kids? Why right where I left them. But in their defense, they did just get out of school.

And Bethany was in her favorite hiding place.

And afterwards, while they were running around playing in their rooms, I built two book shelves. One for the girls' room and one for mine. The boys have one in storage.

It was a pretty exhausting day, but fun. More to come as more progress is made. And as if that wasn't enough, my Steelers just won tonight's game against Miami!