Wow more bloggin?
Warning: My mind is all over in this post, just so you know.
Since the last post I made 4 more hexagons. Really, after being on the internet for 5 hours straight, this after being on it all night the night before, I needed to rest my eyes.

I forgot to mention that the reason I have a laptop is the hubby took me to get one. And he was the one who went and got the internet hook up for me. He's a good guy when he wants to be. lol
Just found out school is opening 2 hours late tomorrow. Really?? What's the point? Being that late for work just to have to turn around and go back for them a couple hours later? Are they trying to piss me off? Probably.
I had mentioned in a previous post about my BFF coming to see me. Thought I'd throw in a few pics of her visit.
Here's right after we picked her up from the bus station.

Went to see the hubby one day before a little shopping.

Then a trip to my LYS. She had pre-ordered a yarn winder for me cause I didn't have one. We also went to Hobby-Lobby where she bought me goodies.

And here is just another reason why she's my BFF. We were so meant to be friends.

Guess that's it for now. Just having a lazy day of movie watching and internet playing. Will probably make some more hexagons later too.