Monday, October 31, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Where do I cash in?
Just for giggles, I went to see what my little blog is worth. Wow. Now if I could just turn that into some credit. lol
My blog is worth $11,855.34.
How much is your blog worth?
Monday, October 24, 2005
Cheap...What could be better?
Yeah I am all about getting things cheap. Yarn sale, notions sale, book sale, free shipping. I usually jump right into those. If you have a yarn habit, you gotta find the cheap stuff. Speaking of cheap, free is always good. I was sent a free gift from miss Annie, thank you!
And then I got all these for the price of one. Now if that isn't thrifty, I don't know what is.

I did some knitting this weekend. I worked some more on Rogue. As soon as I finish the chart I am working on and get the sleeves started, I will post a new pic. But with all these books, I can probably see myself starting something (or lots of things) new. Well I did have a finish you know. That's cause for a new start, right?
Friday, October 21, 2005
Good hair day
So for all you smarty pants who guessed right, I have a finish for you. The Hallowig, modeled by the munchkin.

The side view.

And the back.

I did try it on and it does fit and lays in all the right places. It is so funny cause even though it is yarn, it looks so much like hair. Down to the part right down the middle on top. So, I have a FO. Yeah!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
What do I need?
Yeah everyone else seems to be doing the Google search thing. I thought I would do it just to see the results. Here are 10 things I apparently need.
1. Micky needs a write up on the Competitor's Profile.
2. Micky needs sex hehe.
3. Micky needs all her (sober) wits about her.
4. Micky needs our help.
5. Micky needs more posts.
6. Micky needs to sit down and work this problem out.
7. Micky needs to eat.
8. Micky needs an enema.
9. Micky needs a fair amount of attention.
10. Micky needs to work less.
Not too bad. But I would like to know what I ate in # 7 that would make me have to do # 8?
Ok. Back to real life, lol. I started my Azkaban scarf. Not very far with it, but a start.

Haven't done a whole lot of knitting this past week. This weekend my niece had her b-day party. It was a glamour girl party with a sleep over after. I was one of the helpers, but I didn't sleep over thank goodness. There were 9 girls in all. I helped and did my part, but came home to be with the munchkin. All the boys (mine and my sis-in-law's) "camped" out in their garage and had a great time of their own. They went out for pizza and hit the arcade. They spent the rest of the night watching movies. They all had a blast.
Tonight I walked into my kids' room and saw this.

This is my littlest. Just in case you can't tell she is standing on a jewelry box so she can reach the top of the dresser. And she is playing her sister's game boy.

I just thought she looked so cute. My other three were reading and drawing and she saw her chance and snatched it. I guess she will need one of those soon.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Books, yarn and mystery knitting
I had ordered some books eons ago. When you get free shipping, they don't get in a hurry to send them to you.
I got the bookbookbookII.

The J.K. Rowling, Classic Books from the Library of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. These would be: Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them and Quidditch Trough the Ages.
I also got The Dream Book : Dream Spells, Nighttime Potions and Rituals, and Other Magical Sleep Formulas by Gillian Kemp. Just a little something to fill in the other $4 that enabled me to get the free shipping.
And then we all went to the Hobby Lobby today. Anytime they say 1/2 off knitting supplies, I am there. Well not much was on sale that I got. But it was worth the trip anyway. I got a couple more sets of DPNs. I have the hardest time finding sets of 5, so end up getting 2 sets of 4. And got some bobbins. Intarsia anyone?

And of course I had to get this.

You all know what it's for, right?
The kids wanted to visit the Christmas section and all had to have jingle bells. Here is the little munchkin modeling hers.

And here is the progress on the mystery item. There would have been 12 more rows, but I had to frog it. Some how, probably while half asleep, I starting knitting in the wrong direction. I don't know how I did it either, but I did. So I re-did that section and am now back in the swing of it. Any guesses?

Saturday, October 08, 2005
Happy Birthday Timothy and Logan!
Today is my boys' birthday. They are 10 years old. Man, it doesn't seem that long ago. They are my first born and twins.
This is Timothy, the first one born.

This is Logan. Born 32 minutes later.

They wanted to go eat breakfast this morning at the Cracker Barrell. They had a great time. We will have their party tomorrow.
Here's my little football fan, cause she didn't want to be left out.

And here is my oldest girl, just so they are all here.

And in knitting news, I started something else. Of course, why wouldn't I? I still have a few empty needles. I am making it out of the purple yarn that I helped Heather de-stash. I am not saying what it is yet, cause I want to keep you guessing.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I just might faint
You know, I remember when the Yarn Harlot left a comment on here. It just made my day. I felt so special. So today I get on the computer to check stuff and guess what I found? A comment from Vickie Howell!! OMG! I had left her a comment on her's yesterday and she took the time to leave a reply on mine. I think I will just go faint now. How can I get so lucky as this?
Here is what she had to say:
Thank you so much for pimpin' me old school style-- I really appreciate the support!
Vickie Howell
Ok. All is right in the world and I can go have a meditative knitting session. Where I will no doubt forget what I am knitting and end up with something totally not what I started with. But that will be OK cause I am totally floating in the clouds right now.
Everyone have a happy knitting day and I will leave you with this:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
NEW Knitty Gritty Episodes
Yeah!! New episodes. It's about time. I had the old ones memorized. I watched the first new one last night. Cool. I am so excited. Do I need to get a life? Well just what I need. More knitting ideas. Here is the new schedule for you.
DIY Knitty Gritty
10:30 p.m.
1:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Well I know what I will be doing. Heather here is some more TV to take time away from that other area. LOL
Vickie Howell has her own site too for anyone who wants to check it out.
Lots of stuff
Yeah that is what I am currently working on. Lots of stuff. First off, I finally started that second camo sock. Think I still have a way to go.

And Heather, I did use some of the cones you sent me. I made this bookmark with the fine lacy stuff. And yes, it is a lace pattern.

Here is a little closer up view.

And I started another KAL. I am using the pink fiber cone for this one. The Mystery Shawl 2. Have you finished the first one, you ask? No, of course not. And if Gina hadn't reminded me that it started, I wouldn't have started this one yet. Here is the test pattern.

And here is the first clue. Completed. Yes, I am off to a good start at least.

Now as a recap, these are things I am also working on.
~ Rogue
~ Mini-Weasleys
~ Mini-stockings
I have other things waiting patiently to be started too. Almost too many things to list, so I won't for now. But I am going to try and make the Azkaban scarf, Gryffindor of course, for the opening of the Harry Potter movie. That would be the 18th of November. Anybody think I can do it amongst all this other stuff? I really think I may be spreading myself thin. But I sure am having a blast with it all!